
Traffic lights on the dance floor

Again this year, the EPF Marketing Club invites: Dance with us! The official after party of the 7th student marketing conference MARKETINŠKI SEMAFOR. Announcing the winners of the Student Marketing Race...

Important information
Club Plus Minus, Maribor
Facebook event
Entrance fee
Ticket price: €2 pre-sale / €3 at the event ~ Pre-sale ~ Kavarna Cuker (Maribor Coliseum) Avala EPF: Friday, 29.3. and Tuesday, 2.4.

Again this year, the EPF Marketing Club invites: Dance with us! The official after party of the 7th student marketing conference MARKETINŠKI SEMAFOR.

Announcing the winners of the Student Marketing Race... welcome drink. Start @ 23:00 / Join the marketers and give the green light to the party!  With you until the early hours of the morning DJ MARTINI 

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