Slovo, a short animated film by director Leon Vidmar, which was awarded at domestic and foreign film festivals, is coming to cinemas as a prequel in mid-November.
Short animated film Farewell, which was produced by the Institute ZVVIKS for three years, he was awarded at the Slovenian Film Festival in Portorož with always for the best animation, at an international festival Primanima in Hungary and received an award for the sound image of the film. The beautiful image, thoughtful frames and transitions, music, colors, precise symbolism and life story do not leave the viewer indifferent.
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The content of Slovo is about memories and loss
The movie is about Lovra, who is tired and sad fills the bathtub with water. He stares at the drop of water slowly trickling from the faucet. When it splashes in the water, it reminds him of the day he first fished with his grandfather, how his grandfather hooked him by the chin, how they went fishing in a car with a hole in the undercarriage, how he first caught a fish and saw it die . Memories come alive to the point that they overwhelm the hero's present. The film focuses on memories and coping with loss.
The film Slovo will open the competition program in December of the 13th Animateka International Animated Film Festival, and already in November you will be able to watch it as a prequel to Night Birds.
A short animated puppet film
(Slovenia, 2016)
Directed by: Leon Vidmar. Scenario: Jerneja Kaja Balog. Lead Animator: Leon Vidmar. Animator: Jaka Kramberger. Music: Tomaž Grom
In the cinema from November 17, 2016 like a prequel to a thriller Night birds