
Aston Martin transparent smartphone

Aston Martin CTP002

Aston Martin is an automotive icon. But why stop at cars, when you can also offer the market a smartphone. This one has apparently definitively succeeded the high-end wheels with the signature of the luxury car brand. Let's just remember Porsche's (BlackBerry) and Lamborghini's. Aston Martin found an ally for the production of the concept with a transparent screen in Mobiad, which is known for prestigious smartphones, so it is almost a natural partnership.

Smartphone Aston Martin with work designation CTP002 it has less of a real "body", since almost the entire touch-sensitive surface of Android is there transparent. There is some metal only on the edges. The uniqueness of Aston Martin is transferred from cars to pockets or palms.

READ MORE: Lamborghini Tauri 88 – Luxury Android Smartphone

Aston Martin in the palm of your hand.
Aston Martin in the palm of your hand.

The CTP002 smartphone would otherwise be the second smartphone to roll out of a British "garage", after Aston Martin Aspire, which the luxury sports car company launched three years ago. Although the phone lacks any specifications and although everything will probably remain with the concept, but that doesn't stop us from admiring his futuristic design.

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