
Transport - by train, bicycle, carriage or balloon? Book material related to means of transport and traffic

Library of the National Museum of Slovenia - Prešernova, from April 10 to May 10, 2013

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National Museum of Slovenia, Prešernova 20, Ljubljana
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Library of the National Museum of Slovenia - Prešernova, from April 10 to May 10, 2013

This time we will talk about transportation and books related to transportation. Spring is usually the time of the year when we move even more than usual: hiking, hiking, cycling, traveling, exploring, ballooning, parachuting, hang-gliding, skateboarding, rollerblading, skiing... that's why we chose a more dynamic theme of the month this time!

It all started with carrying, pulling and loading in ancient times, the first "means of transport" were feet, bare feet or dressed in simple footwear. The turning point came 5000 years ago with the invention of the wheel and the chariot. Pack animals played an important role in this. Baron Anton III drove the first passenger car in Slovenia on August 15, 1898. Codelli. Before the Second World War, there were about a thousand cars in Slovenia, but today we are not lagging behind other medium-sized cities in Europe. Once again, the walk through the publications will be enriched with items from the Department of History and Applied Art.


Author: Urša Pajk

Photo: Tovarna tribuna in Nova Gorica, Illustrated Slovenian 1931


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