
The trick to drilling without dust

Simple tricks that will take care of dust while drilling

Home renovations or smaller home projects can be fun, but only as long as you don't have to clean up after yourself. There are countless tools that need to be put back in place, and nails and screws that you need to pick up and DUST! This one is everywhere. But if you plan to use a drilling machine to drill into the wall in the future, you can get rid of this nuisance for good with two simple tricks!

Anyone who owns a house knows that there is always something to do around it. Venomer is something to repair, something to replace, something to repaint, and there is always a hole to be drilled somewhere. A drilling brings with it dust, which some solve by hiring someone else to give them hold the mammal, others again secure the area with rags, paper or polyvinyl. Both methods are fine, but far from perfect the most optimal. Fortunately, such an optimal one exists.

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Did you know that a self-adhesive sheet can also come in handy when drilling into the wall?
Did you know that a self-adhesive sheet can also come in handy when drilling into the wall?

And not one, but two. To capture all the dust that is generated during drilling, a.) you only need plastic pot or paper coffee pot or b.) self-adhesive sheet. And the broom, the dustpan and the vacuum cleaner will then be able to take time off.

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