
The trick to peeling potatoes in one go without a peeler or knife

A cooking trick for quick peeling!

Photo: envato

Are you one of those people who don't like peeling potatoes? the worst thing is if you don't have a peeler or a proper knife! So, how do you peel a potato?!

If you've ever faced the challenge of peeling a potato without the proper tools, you know how time-consuming and difficult a task it can become.

How to peel potatoes, especially if you find yourself away from home without access to the usual kitchen tools, peeling potatoes can quickly turn into unpleasant experience.

But in the world of cooking tricks, there is a solution that will make your life easier and make preparing potatoes quick and easy. It's a surprisingly simple trick that allows you to peel potatoes with just one move, without the need for peelers or a sharp knife.

You don't need a knife for this trick. Photo: Ds_30 / Pixabay

In the video below, a faster and simpler method of peeling potatoes is shown. This trick is so effective that you might want to ditch the classic method of peeling with a knife.

How does this miracle trick work?

So, how do you peel a potato? The first step is to make with the tip of the knife small incisions across the skin of the potato, but be careful not to cut too much. Then place the potatoes in boiling water on the stove and cook until soft. When the potatoes are cooked, take them out of the water and wait for them to cool down a bit.

Once the potatoes have cooled, the skins will be ready to be removed. And here it is a trick – with a single movement of the hand, you can easily you pull the shell away from potatoes, without effort and unnecessary time.

Benefits of using this cooking trick

In addition to the obvious time savings, this method is especially useful when you are limited with kitchen utensils. No more need for peelers or a sharp knife. The trick works quickly, with with minimal effort, allowing you to focus on creating delicious potato dishes.

With this simple but effective trick, peeling potatoes will become a pleasant task. Try it today and discover how with a simple cooking trick you can save time and enjoy preparing delicious meals wherever you are.

Photo: envato

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