
Trick to dry laundry quickly without a dryer: Use THIS button on your washing machine!

Photo: Freepik

Are you tired of slow drying of laundry, which often becomes a nightmare in winter? We present you a trick for drying laundry quickly!

There are few household chores that cause so much unnecessary stress like drying laundry. We have a trick for you to dry laundry quickly!

A rainy day, too much humidity in your home, limited drying space, or simply a lack of time – all of these can quickly become source of frustrationWhen a pile of wet laundry piles up and you don't have a clear plan for how to dry it as quickly as possible, it feels like this simple task has suddenly become a test of patience.

How to use the washing machine's functions to dry laundry quickly?

Many newer washing machines have advanced features that are often overlooked. One of the most useful is double centrifugationThis function allows you to spin your laundry after a normal wash, which significantly reduces the amount of moisture in your clothes. When you take your laundry out of the machine drier, the drying time will be significantly reduced.

Use this trick. Photo: Freepik

If your washing machine does not have this function, you can simply repeat the spin cycle yourself. After the wash is finished, select the spin cycle again and let the machine do its job. Although the trick is simple, you will be surprised how much it can improve your daily life.

Why is double centrifugation so effective?

The key to success is to remove extra moisture from your clothes. The washing machine squeezes most of the water out of your clothes during a normal spin cycle, but some moisture still remains, which increases drying time. By spinning twice, you squeeze out this extra water, which means your clothes will be almost dry at the end of the wash. This is especially useful in the winter months when outside temperatures are low and ventilation is difficult.

Say no to wrinkled T-shirts. Photo: Freepik

In addition to centrifugation twice there are a few more simple tricks that will speed up the drying of laundry and at the same time reduce wrinkling of clothes. When you take your clothes out of the machine, quickly shake. This will remove any creases and allow better air flow between the fabrics.

Hang the clothes so that they are between sufficiently large gapsOvercrowding the dryer slows down the process and can cause the laundry to become stuffy and smell unpleasant.

Wrinkled laundry is often the result of improper handling after washing. Giving your clothes a quick shake before hanging them and hanging them properly will make ironing much easier, and in some cases even unnecessary. This simple step saves time and energy, as you will spend less time at the ironing board.

Whether you use a modern or older washing machine, you can easily use the trick with by centrifugation twiceto make everyday household tasks easier. Faster drying laundry not only does it mean less work, but also a healthier and more comfortable home without excessive humidity.

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