
A trick to revive wilted flowers: roses and tulips will come back to life

Don't throw away wilted flowers!

Photo: envato

Have you ever noticed how quickly flowers wither on warmer days? Did you know that you can quickly revive them with a simple trick?

In the warmer months, it is common for flowers in vases to lose their freshness, water and vitality more quickly. Don't throw away wilted flowers!

Many people face the problem of wilted flowers, which usually throw away not knowing that they can be brought back to life with a simple and quick process.

Why do flowers wither?

With rising temperatures and greater exposure to the sun, flowers in a vase they lose water much faster than usual. Without access to soil from which to draw additional resources, they become even more vulnerable to wilting.

Don't throw them away. Photo: Tetiana / Pexels

A simple trick to revive flowers

To start remove all leaves, which are directly in the water, as they can contribute to the decay and development of bacteria. Also shorten the stems, cutting about 2 to 3 centimeters from the bottom of the stem. This will allow better water absorption.

The key to reviving your flowers is using boiling water.

This may sound counter-intuitive, as you would expect hot water to harm plants, but pour boiling water directly into a clean vase.

After filling the vase with boiling water, place the prepared flowers in it. It is important that the flowers do not expose to direct sunlight at least two to three hours. This means that you can place them in the shade or in a place where there is no direct sunlight.

After a few hours, you will notice how the flowers regain their self natural posture and color. The water in the vase will gradually cool, allowing the flowers to recover and stabilize their condition.

The next time you notice that your flowers are wilting in your vase, remember this boiling water trick and give them a chance to come back to life in all their beauty.

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