
A trick to repair a zipper in one step

Photo: envato

The impossible is possible. It only takes two minutes of your time.

We all know by now that TikTok is a place where you can find various tips that can make things a lot easier, but also worse. It is important to distinguish between good advice and bad advice.

This clip was posted on his profile by a shoemaker and has more than two million views. He explained in detail the whole process of how to replace the zipper in an easy way.

All you need are pliers and hammer.

Be your own shoemaker. Photo: Jose Ramirez/Unsplash

So what should we do if the zipper breaks?

You need a solid base, similar to an anvil. As we know, the fastening works in parallel on two sides, the tiles, and when the teeth of the zipper break, the tiles, which are otherwise next to each other, fall out of sequence and are on top of each other instead of next to each other.

At a boot, for example with the broken zipper, the cobbler only placed this on the anvil, and with his hands, once from one and once from the other, he adjusted the tiles into the correct position.

Then he hit the zipper with a hammer. And that's that. Look in the video.


DIY zip fix for when I refuse to close #shoerepair #timberland #zip #ziprepair #diy

♬ original sound – originalcobblers

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