
Tricks to make your computer run faster

Trying to finish what you started on an older computer is usually futile. The painful fact is that just one ordinary YouTube video can take as long as ten minutes to load. If we are still attached to our old computer and won't let it go, here are some tricks that will "rejuvenate" it. So how to make your computer work better and faster?

1. Clean the computer/laptop.

One of the easiest things to do to improve the performance of an older device is to clean it. Not so that our laptop will be shiny and like new, but to get rid of all the dust that causes overheating and consequently slows down the laptop. We can wipe the outside of the computer with a cleaning cloth or with compressed air or with compressed air in a spray, which is used for the keyboard and fans, where dust is most likely to accumulate. If we know, but we really know, then we can also remove the bottom of the computer and use compressed air in a spray to clean the dust from the hardware inside.

2. Switch to a lighter operating system.

Many times the operating system on the laptop also causes problems, and if the operating system is "too strong" for our computer, we prefer to switch to a lighter operating system, which will take up much less memory. We can find several such operating systems here.

3. Stop the programs that start when the computer starts.

Having our most common applications and programs launch immediately upon booting up comes at a price. On older computers, it is therefore wise to disable automatic startup when starting the operating system. On iOS, we do this by opening System Preferences > Users & Groups > Login Items and disable programs, Users Windows and press at the same time Ctrl + Alt + Deletee and we choose Task Manager. There in the line Launch we disable programs that we do not want to start when we start the computer. But we can also download the tool Autoruns for Windows.

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4. Let's get rid of unnecessary programs.

If we haven't used some programs for quite some time and we know that we won't in the future, we can download the program to external drive or to a USB stick. We can do the same with media files, especially if we use YouTube or another streaming service for music, for example.

5. We fix everything that can be fixed.

If our keyboard or touchpad is in "disorder", we think of some temporary solutions or alternative options. Unfortunately, the touchpad is difficult to replace, but we can easily fix this by starting to use it an external wireless mouse for computer. Replacing the keyboard is a little less intimidating - we can do it.

6. Let's add RAM (read-write memory).

If we want to boost our computer's capabilities and multitasking, we can consider installing it additional RAM, which will strengthen our computer and make work easier when several programs are open.

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