
Tricks that will keep flowers fresh in a vase for up to 2 weeks - proven to work!

Photo: envato

When we buy a bouquet of flowers, we want its freshness to last as long as possible. But it often happens that we notice wilted leaves after only a few days. Don't despair - there is a simple trick that will keep your flowers fresher for longer!

Have you ever admired a beautiful bouquet of fresh flowers and wished it would last forever? Fortunately, there are simple but effective tricks to extend the life of cut flowers. With a few basic steps and home remedies, you can keep your bouquet fresh for up to two weeks or more!

1. Proper pruning of flowers

The most critical step in keeping flowers fresh is to cut stems under water and at an angle. This prevents air from entering the stems, which could cause rapid wilting. By cutting under water, you create a larger surface area for absorbing water and nutrients, keeping the flowers fresher for longer. Take special care, yes remove any leaves below the water surface, as these quickly start to rot and pollute the water.

Photo: envato

2. Clean vase and fresh water

For the longevity of the flowers, it is important that you use clean vase and fresh water. Clean the vase thoroughly before each use, as this will remove bacteria that can destroy the flowers. Change the water every two days and add flower food or make your own at home - mix two tablespoons of white vinegar, two tablespoons of sugar and a liter of lukewarm water.

3. Homemade solutions to prolong freshness

In addition to flower food, there are also some home remedies that are just as effective. You can add aspirin, which should lower the pH of the water and enable faster absorption. The use is also interesting copper coin, as copper has an antibacterial effect. But be careful, because opening the flowers too quickly can shorten the life of the bouquet.

4. Refrigerator and proper storage

When you're not admiring your bouquet at night, you can put it in the fridge. Flowers age more slowly in cold temperatures, so you can extend their freshness for several days. It is also important to keep flowers away from direct sunlight and not to place them next to fruit, as some types of fruit release ethylene gas, which accelerates the aging of flowers.

Photo: envato

5. Avoiding excessive heat and sun

Although many flowers love the sun, with cut flowers it is crucial to avoid direct sunlight. Excessive heat or exposure to the sun can dry out the flowers and cause wilting. It is optimal to keep the bouquet in a cool and dark place.

With these simple tips and tricks, you can keep your bouquet looking fresh and vibrant long after you bring it home.

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