
Tricks to distract a small child while shopping

Tricks to distract your child while shopping

There is probably no mother who has not at least once wondered about the difficulties of shopping when accompanied by a small child. Namely, they often experience a breakdown of stubbornness and crying right there. Either out of thin air, or because his mother doesn't want to buy him the candy he got stuck in. What to do? We will string together some tricks that will turn your little shopping fiend into a real angel.

Small children and shops they are usually not the best combination. Their patience is short-lived, so they quickly become stubborn. But sometimes you have no choice but to take them for yourself. What to do in such cases? In cases where your shopping list is long, the patience of the child but briefly.

READ MORE: How to choose the best sports shoes for a child?

We searched some tricks, with which you will be while shopping for yours a small child disturbed so much that the journey with the shopping cart between the shelves will be smooth. You're welcome!

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