
Tricks that will help you wake up every morning with beautiful hair

Hair tricks that will finally allow you to sleep longer, skip washing and drying your hair in the morning, and still have a great hair day. No matter the texture, color or style, there's one thing almost everyone wants, and that's hair that looks like it just came out of the salon.

That's why the experts shared tips that will keep your hairstyle in place overnight so you can enjoy the best results in the morning.

How to maintain a hair dryer?

To keep your blow-dry hair in place, use a soft, foam clip that gently attach the fig, low on the neck. You can also use a large bobby pin to tie your hair into a loose high bun. If you washed your hair the night before going to bed and want to wake up with big curls, twist combed and smooth, almost dry hair into two one-dimensional buns on either side of the head.

How to wake up with smooth and straight hair?

Starting behind the ear, wrap all the hair in one direction around the head to create a flat, smooth surface. Then pin them with large hairpins wherever needed. Finally, wrap it around your head silk scarf, which will hold your hair all night. Enjoy beautiful, shiny and straight hair in the morning.

Perfect straight hair
Perfect straight hair

How to achieve beautiful "beach waves" every morning?

Make yourself one two French whales, one on each side of the head. Braid them as loosely as possible, to the very ends of the hair, to achieve the most beautiful result. For a slightly less textured effect with fewer curls, apply mousse to your hair and then twist into five to six medium-sized buns and secure with bobby pins. These tricks will give you natural curls.

Beautiful "beach waves"
Beautiful "beach waves"

Tricks to avoid unruly spikes

The ends must be shaped and fixed immediately after washing, otherwise they will be unruly. In the morning, apply matte hair pomade to the ends. Alternatively, you can apply a little dry shampoo to the ends before bed to soak up any excess oil and then wrap them in a medium curler and secure it tightly to keep it in place overnight.

How to deeply nourish hair during the night?

Start by washing your hair thoroughly, focusing on the scalp. Using warm water will open the cuticles and allow your moisturizer to penetrate deep into each hair. Then use a comb to apply the nourishing mask or oil to the entire hair to ensure an even application. Wrap your hair in cling film to protect your bedding overnight. In the morning, wash your hair well with cold water. Thus, after drying, you will enjoy a healthy and shiny hairstyle.

Deep hair care
Deep hair care

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