The Trocadero-fixie is an unusual bike that you steer with your hips. At first glance, it doesn't seem like anything different from other fixies, but when you sit on it, you're in for a surprise. He starts to take your ass away. You don't steer the bike with the handlebars, but by tilting your hips, which twists the rear wheel in an unusual way.
Trocadero-fixie is a bike that you steer with your hips tilting the rear wheel. It was made by three French cyclists, a professional cyclist from the FDJ team Johan Le Bon and Alban Haloche and Alexis Honoré.
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Looks like it works like a regular bike with one gear, but has a completely different control logic. We are turning by rocking the hips, which twist the back of the frame. Of course, it takes some practice to get the hang of it, if you don't succeed or don't like this kind of riding, you can easily turn it into a regular bike with one move. steer with the rudder. See how the Trocadero-fixie works in practice.