
Giveaway: Win the 20-day Tummy Tea Tox program and flatten your tummy

Are you fed up with fatigue, worry and discomfort due to poor digestion and bloating? Do you agree that you need a new impetus and that more attention should be paid to your well-being? Psst, we have something for you! It's brand new, fresh, hot! It's love at first sight. Everyone who answers a simple prize question correctly will compete for a 20-day Tummy Tea Tox program or 2 x Tummy Tea Tox tea mixes. Ready? Now!

Get rid of the constant feeling of bloating and fatigue and flatten your tummy in 20 days! Tummy Tea Tox it's the ease you're looking for—your fresh start.

Tummy Tea Tox

1. For healthy and effective weight loss, it is not enough that only your will is ready, but also your body.
The first 10 days are therefore specifically intended for you to really prepare your body for the transformation with teas Daily Kick and Sleep Tight. The Morning and Night Detox Tea will help you eliminate your worst vices, eliminate bloating and fatigue, and really activate your digestion to shed those stubborn pounds over the next 10 days.
2. In order for your body to be truly renewed, you need to target all the levels and organs that will stimulate the melting of fat.
In the next 10 days, add more to your daily schedule Cleanse Drink, Happy Enzymes and Slimbiotic, which completely reset your body in just ten days! Enzymes and probiotics strengthen your immune system, cleanse you completely and start digestion on all levels for a long time, while Cleanse Drink, with a dose of antioxidants, deals the last blow to stubborn fat accumulation.

READ MORE: Top exercises for a firm butt and legs

Flatten your tummy with the Tummy Tea Tox program!
Flatten your tummy with the Tummy Tea Tox program!

prize game

Tummy Tea Tox is designed to jump-start your healthy lifestyle with our support, personalized tips, exercise plan, nutrition plan and top products: 2x Tummy Tea Tox, Cleanse Drink, Happy Enzymes and Slimbiotic. Answer a simple question and compete for 3 awards: 1 x 20 Day Tummy Tea Tox program and 2 x tea mix Tummy Tea Tox.

The winners of the Tummy Tea Tox prize game are:

  • Lea Kresnik (20-day package Tummy Tea Tox)
  • Špela Juršnik (tea mixture Tummy Tea Tox)
  • Sandra Zorec (tea mixture Tummy Tea Tox)

We sincerely congratulate the award winners! We wish the rest of you better luck in our future sweepstakes.

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