
The Twilight Zone for over half a century

The iconic Twilight Zone star celebrated her 54th birthday a few days ago.

At the beginning of October 1959, the first serial was broadcast, which in more than half a century inspired different generations all over the world. Rod Serling, television writer and sci-fi visionary, shaped the phenomenon we call today The Twilight Zone, has the status of a prophet for many fans.

His commanding voice in the announcement of the winner and the even more famous musical intro have been etched into the subconscious of fans all over the world. On the occasion of the anniversary, we can explore the phenomenon here ourselves, as many interviews and information have been published. There are also rumors that a third renewal of the series is in the offing. We will have to wait for this, but until then we can enjoy too many sequels. These have become classics. Let's let our imaginations run free in solving unexplained phenomena, because we never know when we ourselves will accidentally or not enter into The Twilight Zone.

Ta-na na na, Ta-na na na, Ta-na na na!….

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