
Twin Strangers: an online service that finds you a doppelgänger

Twin Strangers

Have you ever wished you had a doppelgänger and envied the man who accidentally ran into his mirror image on a plane recently? From now on, you will no longer have to rely on luck, because Twin Strangers is an online service that specializes in finding doppelgangers. You can see that it is not a joke in the video below.

He is already living well in the world over 7 billion people, which means that "out there" there is definitely someone who looks exactly like you. But the probability that you will come across it is slim. At least she was. With the appearance online services Twin Strangers your possibilities have increased significantly, since the site specializes in finding duplicates. That it is a success story is evidenced by the recording of Sara from Sweden and Shannon from Ireland, who found themselves with Twin Strangers.

And how do you find your doppelgänger? On the Twin Strangers website create a profile and Twin Strangers finds you a doppelgänger through social networks and other online "helpers". anywhere in the world.

READ MORE: Have you found your match yet?

How Twin Strangers works:

A girl who has even more doppelgangers in the world:

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