
The Oxboard is a Segway without handlebars


The Oxboard two-wheeled vehicle is practically a Segway without the handlebars. This makes it easier to carry and easier to store. And it looks even better. Developed by a Danish company, it combines Segway technology and skater culture. It's easy for a child to operate, but it's also extremely agile. This is evidenced by the child's demonstration, which you can see below.

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A two-wheeler Oxford it is Segway without handlebars, i.e. the means of transport that we manage by simply tilting back and forth. This time we no longer have to do it with the help of our hands and steering wheel, because it doesn't exist at all, but only with an almost imperceptible tilt legs and body. And if the split pose on the Oxboard is familiar to you, you are right, it is almost a copy of the famous one gap Cristiano Ronaldo, which he performs before taking a free kick and after scoring a goal.

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With the inclinations of the legs and body, you can s self-stabilizing electric vehicles You drive and twist the Oxboard not only forward, but also in reverse and you are turning around its axisi. It has enough energy to transport you without recharging 19 kilometers, and the maximum speed it can reach is 10 km/h. It is available in red, black and white for 799 euros.

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