
Uber is developing artificial intelligence that will recognize whether a passenger is drunk

Alcoholic people will find it difficult to get a ride home.

Uber employees are constantly looking for ways to improve their service. What new did they come up with this time at the American giant, which became famous with its application that enables non-professional drivers to perform commercial transport?

Uber drivers are no strangers to transporting drunk customers. It is for this reason that Uber decided to patent an artificial intelligence system that will recognize if a passenger is too drunk to get into the car. The technology should take into account when determining intoxication the customer's location, the number of printing errors when using the mobile application, walking speed and even the angle at which the user holds the phone.

Uber allows anyone to work as a driver.
Uber allows anyone to work as a driver.

The application will be based on the detected data of the carrier diverted to another location or him connected with a driver who has more experience with drunk passengers. However, some controversies have arisen on the subject of the exploitation of intoxicated people. The latter are particularly preyed upon by some drivers who expect higher profits in this way.

Alcoholic people will find it difficult to get a ride home.
Alcoholic people will find it difficult to get a ride home.

The technology will not be used in practice for at least a few more years. Uber for now not available in Slovenia, but we can expect that to change soon.

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