
Umek will perform at Ambasada Gaviola in February

One of the most successful local DJs, Umek, will take over Ambasada Gavioli again after a year and give us a techno party that we won't easily forget.

Important information
Gavioli Embassy
Facebook event
Entrance fee
20 euros in advance.

Remove will provide an homage to the hoof rave from the nineties and the beginning of the new millennium, when endurance records bordering on club marathons were being set. In addition to Fotro, as many fans call him, we will hear the iron repertoire of the best domestic and foreign masters such as Stefano Noferini, Olivier Giacomotto, Uto Karem, Mike Vale and Groovebox. In half a day, as many as 14 DJs will line up behind the mixers. A great way to celebrate a cultural holiday a little differently.

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