
Underwater painting

Capturing a piece of underwater mischief for the eternity of a digital record can be priceless. With an underwater mask with an integrated camera, we are one step closer to this. Unfortunately, the manufacturer guarantees waterproofness only up to a depth of just over 4 meters. Therefore, we can take photos or record in 5 megapixel resolution. 16 MB "large" internal memory will be sufficient...

Capturing a piece of underwater mischief for the eternity of a digital record can be priceless. With an underwater mask with an integrated camera, we are one step closer to this. Unfortunately, the manufacturer guarantees waterproofness only up to a depth of just over 4 meters. Therefore, we can take photos or record in a resolution of 5 megapixels. 16 MB "large" internal memory will be enough for 30 high-resolution photos (2560 x 1920) or 51 seconds of video, for more you will need to use a micro SD memory card.

Price: about 100 euros, available at www.hammacher.com



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