
Unmistakable signs that someone cares about you!

Photo: IG earthcouples

"Life becomes easier and more beautiful when we can see the good in other people." - Unknown author

Those who are close to you express their affection to you even through small things.

Here are some sure signs that a person is thinking about you and wishes you well.

It feels and senses your mood

You don't have to say anything, by the expression on your face and the tone of your voice, this person knows that something is up with you. She is there for you to comfort you, to help you trust her, to cry out your pain, or just sit in silence. It creates an atmosphere of trust and relaxation. You are aware of her empathy.

Attention shows through the little things

It knows what kind of coffee you drink and what kind of juice you like. If you once asked for a pillow that you put behind your back in an armchair, this pillow will always be there later. She cares about your comfort because she wants you to feel relaxed and welcome, and she expresses her warmth by pampering you in various small ways.

It gives you the space you need

Whether it's a friend or a romantic partner, this person respects your privacy and need for space. She lets you handle situations on your own if you express that you don't want her help. He doesn't take your need for independence personally.

She shows you love without having to say anything

Her actions come before her words. You know that this person loves you by what they do for you, how they are always there for you when you need them, how they spontaneously offer help and support without waiting for you to ask for it. He just knows. You know there will always be a smile by your side when you need a hug.


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He forgives you

If he has any grudge or opposes your behavior or you are in a dispute about something, these are not quarrels that would cause bitterness and misunderstanding. These are discussions aimed at understanding. If you were rude, tactless or felt attacked, the person will understand and forgive you, even if they were angry at first.

The way you argue speaks to the depth of the relationship – someone who loves you will point out your toxic behavior because they want you to break free of the patterns that are holding you back.
This toxic behavior will not distance him from you. He will forgive you if you don't understand and change your patterns.

Represents your interests

If someone has a grudge or says something inappropriate about you, such a person will defend and represent you like the best lawyer. They will not allow others (who do not know you or have prejudices) to attack you unjustly. She will be loyal to you and always have your back.

Remember important dates in your life

It knows when your birthday is or some other date that is important and special to you.

He will not reject you without reason

If the moment comes when he wants to continue his life without you, this person will not hurt you and leave you without any reason. She will respect your feelings and stay until you come to terms with the divorce. He will be there to give you understanding because he wants you to part in the best possible way and to carry each other in your hearts with gratitude.

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