
Unirider - unicycle for the youngest


The Unirider unicycle is an innovative vehicle for the youngest, which represents an excellent alternative to classic means of transport. It gives the child a sense of freedom and the parents a sense of security, because they are still the ones who have everything under control.

Basic information
Mountain Buggy
The price
93 €

Unirider it is unicycle for the youngest with holder and 12-inch wheels for all surfaces. With it, you can transport your child on the road, beach, macadam and make your way across rocky terrain. During the fun, the child unwittingly learns to conserve balance and stability.

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Children cling to the handle, their feet rest in the meantime, 3-kilogram unicycle but the parents push an adult. It measures 1.2 meters in length, but the Unirider can be disassembled to such an extent that it fits into a small suitcase. It is suitable for children between 2 and 5 years of age or up to 25 kilograms.

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