
Three unusual signs of intelligence

Various intelligence studies point to some unusual common traits of intelligent people. These signs could honestly surprise and impress you.

We recently wrote about interesting new research, which showed that each subsequent child in the family has a 1.5 point lower IQ. We believe that you especially liked to share the post with your younger brothers and sisters. Let the "younger" in the family be comforted by the fact that some other research has shown that the difference in intelligence quotient equalizes by the age of 12.

In the past, many studies have been conducted on intelligence, which have shown, among other things, that intelligent people curse more often, are more nocturnal and are not overly orderly. Business insider reported on these studies in more detail.

Smarter people swear more often

If you (too) often use a curse word, it is quite possible that you are among the more intelligent people. An unusual survey showed that people who could list more swear words in one minute had a higher IQ. We challenge you to give it a try.

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Smarter people are night birds

No matter how hard you try, you can't go to bed early. Do you just work great at night? This can also be a sign of higher intelligence. An extensive American study of children showed that more intelligent children developed into more nocturnal birds. Children with an IQ higher than 125, when they grew into adolescents, went to bed later during the week (00:29) than their less intelligent peers and got up later in the morning (07:52).

Are you more of a night owl? (Photo: Shutterstock)
Are you more of a night owl? (Photo: Shutterstock)

Smarter people have messier desks

Do you like to say you have a creative mess on your desk? Well, that's true. University of Minnesota research showed that a messy workplace is associated with more creative ideas, the breaking of traditions in the company and new perspectives on things. For those with tidier desks, it is more typical to follow the established norms in the company, within which they feel safe. They researched as many as six different office locations and always came to the conclusion that clutter on the desk is associated with fresh ideas. And creativity is definitely one of the most desirable qualities on the market right now.

Gallery: Intelligent celebrities

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