
Up to 250 thousand followers on Facebook in less than a month

Many websites where we can buy fake followers for our social media profiles. But this method of promotion is completely useless. It makes much more sense to get real people to follow us. Facebook helps us with this.

So what do we have to do so that our page will have a quarter of a million followers in just one month? This takes time and money. Let's see 5 steps to success.

1. First of all, we need to determine the audience that our site will be aimed at.

If we are creating a Facebook page for dog owners, we will focus on all dog owners, not just chihuahua owners in Ljubljana. We must choose a strategy with which we will divide our target group into smaller groups, which we will attract in different ways.

2. Let's create a page on Instagram.

In addition to the Facebook page, which must contain all the necessary information, we also create an Instagram page. Even if our activity is focused only on Facebook, the number of our followers will also increase on Instagram. People will want to follow our content there as well.

3. We need to research what our audience likes.

So we visit the pages our target users are already following and find out what types of posts get the most likes and shares. We design our Facebook posting strategy accordingly. It is recommended that we post at least 4 times a day. We start promoting the page when a large number of posts accumulate on our wall.

The key is to monitor the reactions of our followers.
The key is to monitor the reactions of our followers.

4. "Boost" your posts.

When our site is already decently organized, it is time to financially encourage or "boost" our posts. These will appear more frequently to Facebook users. We will typically charge between $5 and $10 per post for one day for this. It is recommended that we do this especially for image posts.

5. Let's do an analysis.

We need to do an analysis and find out which posts brought us the most success. We need to measure how much money we spent on each user's response. Those posts that were most effective are 'incentivized' with even more money.

6. We invite people to like our page.

We must always monitor who is responding to our posts. Many times we will find that the people who like our posts are not our followers. Therefore, it is imperative to send these people an invitation to like our page. This way we will take care of increasing the number of our followers for free.

7. Let's continue the work.

Even when we reach a high number of followers, we must not rest on our laurels. We must continue the process by which we have achieved success. If we see that we have made a mistake, we correct it next time and learn something from it.

With you since 2004

From 2004 we research urban trends and inform our community of followers daily about the latest in lifestyle, travel, style and products that inspire with passion. From 2023, we offer content in major global languages.