
Urbanears Plattan 2: headphones on which the eye also rests

We rarely meet a person with headphones on the street or on a city bus. Now the music flows more or less through "in-ear" headphones. Namely, headphones are significantly less convenient, they take up much more space, and the appearance sometimes does them no favors. But the sound experience is usually better. Well, there are also those that also meet aesthetic criteria.

Urbanears Plattan 2 they are wireless Bluetooth headphones, which are decorated with the Plattan design, which means plate in Swedish, and is also a nickname for a controversial city district in Stockholm, where mainly young people gather.

There will be headphones worked for a little more than 30 hours without charging. They are equipped with small buttons for easy operation, built-in microphone and fit ergonomically nicely on the head. If you're on the go, you'll be able to folded on a smaller surface and put them easily in a bag. S the ZoundPlug feature you will be able to share the played music with your friends, as they will be able to connect with their pair of headphones to yours.

You can buy Urbanears Plattan 2 headphones for 99 euros.

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