
urban rhythms with Casino: DanceArt: House

A hot house party awaits us at the Casino this time. The dancers will conjure up the beat of American clubs, while we will sway in steps that flirt with capoeira, jazz, tap, salsa and hip hop. We will continue the lively evening of dancing in the Zvezda cafe, and show off our steps in the city's clubs. The sponsor of the event is...

Important information
Kazina Dance School, Kongresni trg 1, Ljubljana
Facebook event
Entrance fee

V Kazini nas tokrat pričakuje vroči house party. Plesalci nam bodo pričarali utrip ameriških klubov, mi pa se bomo zazibali v korakih, ki se spogledujejo s capoeiro, z jazzom, s stepom, salso in hip hopom. Plesno razgiban večer bomo nadaljevali v kavarni Zvezda, korake pa razkazovali po mestnih klubih. Sponzor dogodka je blagovnica Nama, ki bo za vse udeležence pripravila posebne ugodnosti. Vabljeni.

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