Uroš Perić - Perry is a young musician from Celje. His love for music is reflected both in his interpretation of Charles' music and in his creation of his own compositions. This time, with his musical collaborators and the Blue Note Quartet and Pearlette's, he will open the summer concert season at Žička Kartuzija and ensure that everyone's voices will be heard...
Uroš Perić – Perry je mlad glasbenik iz Celja. Njegova ljubezen do glasbe se zrcali tako v interpretiranju Charlesove glasbe kot v ustvarjanju lastnih skladb. Tokrat bo s svojimi glasbenimi sodelavci in skupino Blue Note Quartet in Pearlette’s otvoril sezono poletnih koncertov v Žički Kartuziji in poskrbel da bodo viže vseh časov razveselile vse navzoče.