
Useful tips for better time management

Time management

Do you know how to manage your time? Let's ask another way. Never do assignments before they are due? Are you spending more on them than you expected? One of the key characteristics of successful people is that they value their time and always want to be better organized, more efficient, i.e. more economical with their time. Therefore, the ability to manage time is one of those skills that you need if you want to be successful. In any area of life. With this aim in mind, we have prepared useful tips for better management of time.

Time management is a cluster of behaviors and strategies with which we want to achieve efficient use of time. This includes setting priorities, goals, tracking progress... It's about the process of controlling your life through the use of your time. Are you up to the task?

READ MORE: A recipe for increasing productivity in the workplace

Us time is limited, so we have to learn how to optimally balance business and private life in order to be able to do it more, better and faster. Most people learn time management through their own mistakes, but why repeat mistakes made by countless people before you when you can avoid them.

20 useful tips for better time management:

  • There is always time. We just have to set our priorities.
It's time for everything. You just need to know what to take it for.
It's time for everything. You just need to know what to take it for.
  • Plan on only 4 or 5 hours of serious work per day.
  • It's quite normal to have days when you can't work at all and days where you can work 12 hours. Work harder when you're in your element and rest when you're not.
  • Your time is worth 1000 euros per hour and you should behave accordingly. Respect your time.
  • Create a work routine and stick to it. The body will adapt.
  • We are always more focused and productive when we have limited time.
  • The easiest way to get started is with work. To get yourself going, start with easier, shorter tasks.
  • Working more hours does not automatically lead to greater productivity. Use time scissors and similar pressures as opportunity.
  • Separate thinking and execution. This way you will think better and get things done faster.
  • Organize meetings in the morning hours. Late afternoon meetings are usually a waste of time.
  • Switching between projects and clients throughout the day is unproductive. If possible, stick to just one.
  • Divide a difficult or extensive task into smaller parts. You can only achieve an elusive goal if every little thing you do brings you one step closer to that goal.
  • Stop multitasking. By doing so, you are merely obscuring the essentials.
Multitasking is not the answer to better time management.
Multitasking is not the answer to better time management.
  • No two tasks are ever equally important. Create a priority list!
  • Be aware of that one thing that you absolutely must do each day.
  • Delegate if someone else can do almost all of your work.
  • Yesterday's win won't win today's game.
  • Set a deadline for each thing. Don't let tasks go without a deadline.
  • Set an end date for a stressful and intense activity/task. Everything ends at some point, and it's good to know when for motivation.
  • Take a break from work once in a while. Longer.

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