
Uslon - a swimsuit that keeps you above the water

Uslon - a swimsuit that keeps you above the water

Uslon is a new swimsuit that keeps you above the water. The concept was developed by Katerina Semenko and Valery Graznov. The swimsuit has small air-filled capsules sewn around the waist line and neck, which allows the swimsuit to keep the swimmer above the water.

Valery Graznov has developed a material that allows these swimsuits to stay above the water. The swimwear she designed Katerina Semenko, have added air capsules that allow the swimmer to floats on the water, but at the same time they have the shape or appearance of everyday swimwear. The system for floating on water does not need any kind of filling, since it works exclusively with the help of atmospheric pressure. Thus, there is no fear of the mechanism failing.

READ MORE: Swimwear 2016: Fashionable swimwear for this year

Swimwear that keeps you above the water.
Swimwear that keeps you above the water.

The mattress adds approx two extra kilograms of oxygen, which allows the swimsuit to keep the swimmer above the water. In addition to greater pleasures in the water, the extraordinary potential of these swimsuits is also in the field security. They are extremely useful for small children, the elderly or people who suffer from epilepsy or similar diseases that can trigger unexpected seizures. Swimwear is available in three models: as men's pants, one-piece women's swimwear or two-piece women's bikini.

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