
In search of justice

Will Gerard is an English teacher happily married to Laura, an established musician. One night, their lives turn upside down when Laura becomes the victim of a sexual assault, which triggers a series of unexpected events. While Will waits for news of his wife's condition, he is approached by a suave man who calmly offers…

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Coliseum & Planet Tuš
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Will Gerard je učitelj angleščine, srečno poročen z Lauro, uveljavljeno glasbenico. Neke noči se jima življenje obrne na glavo, Laura namreč postane žrtev spolnega napada, kar sproži sosledje nepričakovanih dogodkov. Medtem ko Will čaka na novice o ženinem stanju, ga ogovori uglajen moški, ki mirno ponudi takojšnjo rešitev pred nadaljnjim psihičnim trpljenjem. Will v obupu sprejme predlog, vendar se kmalu izkaže, da ima njegova odločitev strašanske posledice.

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