
Vector: a robot that will instantly become your pet

Anki is best known for its Overdrive line of robot cars. The general public first got to know the manufacturer of technological equipment in 2016, when it launched the Cozmo robot. What did he impress with this time?

The knowledge that employees gained from previous projects was of great help in creating the new robot, which they named Vector.

The device is intended for domestic use. Vector is capable recognizing people in your vicinity, responding to voices and setting timers. At the same time, it will trust the user, what are the weather conditions like, and it will be the same answered simple questions.

Although it has sensors that allow it to autonomous movement, however, will not clean your floors. It is designed so that during use sitting on the table.

Many robots are criticized for lacking humanity. Unlike most of its relatives, Vector can boast of curiosity, playfulness and cuteness, so it should be viewed as a pet. We believe that it will quickly grow to your heart.

The project can be supported at Kickstarter. Vector will be yours for 199 dollars respectively 172 euros.

Gallery – Robot Anki Vector

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