
Velocipedia: bikes drawn from memory are anything but the bikes we know

Wheels drawn from memory flow into the concept

We all know what a bike is like. We all dare to claim that we can at least roughly draw it, even those who are not talented at drawing. After all, we only need to draw the frame, add handlebars, seat and wheels. It seems like an easy task, but as it turns out, it is far from the case. Velocipedia is the project of Bologna-based designer Ginaluce Gimini, who asked friends, family and strangers to draw a bicycle from memory on a piece of paper, then turned the designs into professionally drawn concepts.

Sometimes our brain tricks us in the sense that we think we know or know something, but in reality it is not so. This is also the case with the bike. Psychologists this kind of experiment, which he also undertook Gianluca Gimini, are used to demonstrate, how twisted our brains can be.

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This bike drawn from memory is far from what we ride.
This bike drawn from memory is far from what we ride.

The Bologna artist asked people to they sketch a wheel from memory. He collected hundreds of sketches of bikes from acquaintances and strangers, poured them into concepts and packaged them into a project Velocipedia, where we find many "popcorns". As Gianluca Gimini himself says, one designer could not invent so many new bicycle designs even if he lived for 500 years. This is exactly why the collection is particularly exciting and full of inspiration for creatives. Perhaps the next model that you will drive one day is hidden in them.

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