
That's why it's so important to have a best friend in your life!

Your best friend not only makes sure that you are never bored and that you have fun in life, but also makes an important contribution to your healthy life. This is now scientifically proven!

Best friends we sometimes take for granted the figures in our lives - after all, they are sung less often than princes on a white horse (though, frankly, they are often more precious) in songs, literature and other forms of art. But now it has even been proven that they play a role in your health a very important role.

A best friend is not a given!
A best friend is not a given!

research, published in Child Development, showed that friends contribute to a good mood and well-being. Best friends, with whom ties are formed already in childhood, play an important role in our lives, they even contribute significantly to our mental health in adulthood.

The research was based on the mental health data of 169 different participants of different ages (16 to 25). Respondents were asked to describe their best friend. Scientists found that in 25-year-olds who had close friendships as teenagers, less social anxiety and that the sense of self-worth in these persons is increased. They also showed fewer symptoms of depression.

The research also explored quality and not the amount of friendships. Young people who forged their friendships through social networks and if these kinds of "friendships" seemed more important to them than real ones, they showed more social anxiety in later years.

You can also thank your best friend for a healthy life.
You can also thank your best friend for a healthy life.

Now you know why it's good to have a best friend who is really, really precious. So give them this article and it today big hugs!

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