
Very ZZegna

Those familiar with the Italian menswear brand ZZegna need no further explanation of the quality and innovative design. This brand's patch suit really separates the men from the boys. This year's collection is anything but classic. There are new cuts on the march, which are wide in the upper part of the trousers...

Those familiar with the Italian menswear brand ZZegna need no further explanation of the quality and innovative design. This brand's patch suit really separates the men from the boys. This year's collection is anything but classic. New cuts are on the way, with pants that are wide at the top and narrow at the ankles, while jackets are a bit longer and wider again - so very eighties. In any case, nowadays there are prints and colors, of which copper red shines the most.


XYZ store, Citypark, Šmartinska 152, Ljubljana, in www.zzegna.com

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