
Happy December: Turning on the lights

The month with the longest nights has probably been enriched with artificial light for as long as humans have existed. The habit has become ingrained in our blood, so we can't wait for the many colorful lights that will accompany us at every step throughout the month, of course not without fun events and hot drinks. This year, the lights will first be ...

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mestna središča , Slovenija
Facebook event
Entrance fee

Mesec z najdaljšimi nočmi si verjetno že odkar obstaja človek obogatimo z umetno lučjo. Navada nam je prišla v kri, tako da že komaj čakamo na številne pisane lučke, ki nas bodo cel mesec spremljale na vsakem koraku, seveda ne brez zabavnih prireditev in toplih napitkov. Letos se bodo lučke najprej prižgale v Mariboru, že 2. decembra, naslednji dan v Ljubljani, v Kopru pa 5. decembra. Lahko jih pričakujemo tudi v vsakem slovenskem kraju.

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