
Vesna Zornik in Ravne in Carinthia

Lovers of tango and Argentine temperament, beware! In the Cultural Center in Ravne na Koroškem, the venue there will turn into a little paradise for fans of this passionate music for one evening. Vesna Zornik is coming as a guest with her new project TangoApasionada. Vesna Zornik is known as...

Important information
Cultural center, Gačnikova pot 5, Ravne na Koroškem
Facebook event
Entrance fee
10 euros.

Lovers of tango and Argentine temperament, beware! In the Cultural Center in Ravne na Koroškem, the venue there will turn into a little paradise for fans of this passionate music for one evening. Vesna Zornik is coming as a guest with her new project TangoApasionada. Vesna Zornik is known as the lead vocalist of the band Katalena and is one of the most expressive and colorful singers in our country. This year, she took a new creative step and released her first solo album, dedicated to Argentine tango, under the auspices of the Celinka label. The disc offers musical works by well-known and lesser-known authors of this genre in a new, modern guise. Here and there, her interpretations are strongly electronic, but despite the unusual set of instruments, the musicians managed to preserve the melodic characteristics and especially the emotional moments of tango. At the concert in Ravne in Carinthia, Vesna will also present both singles from the album: Cada dia and Libertango in the company of excellent musicians.

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