
Vibram Furoshiki: comfortable shoes that are not put on, but wrapped around the foot

Vibram Furoshiki shoes

Rarely do shoes fit our feet perfectly, and if they do, they are usually too expensive for many. The Italian shoe manufacturer, Vibram, better known for making military footwear, has found a solution: Furoshiki shoes, which are not put on, but literally wrapped around the foot.

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Furoshiki (風呂敷) is the Japanese tradition of wrapping, holding and carrying things in a decorative piece of cloth, which was first used in the Edo period, which lasted from 1603 to 1868 in Japan.
Vibram Furoshiki but it is the latest shoe that is not put on, but around the foot we wrap. A case of the sole to which the coverings for our feet are attached, and are held in place by Velcro strips.
The shoes were designed by a Japanese designer Masaya Hashimoto, and shoes are also included WaveGrip, which makes them lighter and provides good grip even on water sports surfaces.

With a premium Vibram sole, the Furoshiki provide comfort in any environment. Whether we're walking through the city, through the airport or just relaxing on the beach - Furoskihi always wraps comfortably around the leg. It is available in five colors – in the color Aqua Marina, in black, in purple, in the color of denim and in the color of Pearls.

READ MORE: How to choose the best sports shoes for a child?

In the gallery you can see Vibram Furoshiki shoes.

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More information:
eu.vibram.com and furoshiki-shoes.jp

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