It must have happened to you that you have bought a can and to open it you need a can opener, but you don't have one. How to open a can without a can opener? This great trick has already been viewed by 54 million people.
Have you ever encountered a situation where you had in front of you a can containing delicious food, but you didn't have an opener? How to open a can without a can opener?
With the lack of an opener - the key tool for opening - we find ourselves in a quandary where we can using a knife becomes dangerous. But there is a trick that can make your life easier and solve the problem without the need for cutting and drilling cans.
The trick presented in the video became a real hit on the Internet!
How to open a can?
You can open the can without an opener, just with the help of a stone. This awesome trick has been viewed more than 54 million people and became a real viral phenomenon on social networks.
The trick is simple
Instead of fiddling with a knife, simply rub the top of the can against a flat stone, then squeeze the side, and the lid will pop off. The process is quick, easy and does not require special skills or tools.
This genius trick is still especially useful in nature, when you don't want to ruin your knife blade, or in the kitchen, when the opener suddenly disappears without a trace. Such a simple tip can solve many problems and make it easier to open cans in various situations.
Watch the video that is impressed millions of people, and learn how to easily open a can without a can opener.
Of course, there are other can opening techniques. The best 10 ideas are collected in the video below.