
Vienna - the antithesis of boredom

Slovenians have a special relationship with Vienna: for centuries, our rights and duties were dictated to us from the Habsburg capital, in the days of the Reich of Yugoslavia we liked to escape from the grayness of socialism, but today we visit the bridge between Eastern and Western Europe for nostalgia: Strauss waltzes, Sacher cakes and Christmas fair.

Nothing attractive, young people would think, but the truth is different. The truth is wild, active and "punched". How to get to know a different Vienna? First, we need to pack for more than just one night in the Austrian capital, because Vienna deserves more than just a day of strolling the shopping streets and a possible visit to St. Stephen's Cathedral. The next task is to thoroughly ignore all the Hop-on Hop-Off tourist tours of the city, because before us lies the exciting discovery of the most "cool" locations, far away from the main tourist routes.

Since we don't imagine following a guide as an active vacation in the city, fortunately Vienna offers us adrenaline, fun and strangeness. Adrenaline junkies will be happy to climb the tower Donauturm, where they can jump to a depth of 152 meters. Bungee jumping from the Danube Tower takes place under the slogan: the higher the springboard, the more beautiful the fall. Bungee jumps will be organized on October 16 and 17 and November 6 and 7. Not enough adrenaline? Then we have to sit in the cockpit of a Boeing 737 and see Vienna from a bird's eye view. V to the stimulator of flight namely, we will be the pilots ourselves, we will also test our orientation and coordination skills in a fun way.

The beautiful blue Danube.
The beautiful blue Danube.

One of the most beautiful views of Vienna is offered by the terrace on the roof of an interesting building Haus des Meeres, built during World War II. After the war, they wanted to demolish the ugly gray mass, but they couldn't because of the enormous amount of concrete, because it stands in the very center of the city and demolition would endanger neighboring buildings. Don't let the high wall that separates Esterhazypark, in which the building stands, be an obstacle to a walk to the former military building, which has been turned into an interesting aquarium. This way, in addition to the view, we will also be able to enjoy learning about the underwater world. Vienna offers many quirky attractions, such as sightseeing Pathological-Anatomical Museum, which is in the Nerrenturm, or tower of fools, which was built in the 18th century as the first psychiatric hospital, and since 1971 it has been open as a museum. Unusual museums abound in Vienna: you can decide to visit the Torture Museum, the Contraception and Abortion Museum, which was even nominated for the European Museum Award in 2010, or the Crime Museum.

We will get to know spicy stories from Vienna's past during the thematically guided tour of Moral and the like. Among the multitude of strange topics, we can also choose a guided tour of Viennese cemeteries, which offers plenty of scary stories.

While walking around the city, we will certainly notice interesting outdoor art installations, such as the hammocks that invite passers-by to rest in the Bruno-Kreisky-Park. The organization KÖR (outdoor art) has taken care of quite a few inspiring projects in public spaces in recent years. Part of the project, which turns vandalist scribbling on the walls into graffiti art, is also the idea of the artist Hannah Stippl, who constantly encourages dialogue in the Ernst-Arnold-Park by renovating the park walls. The Vienna city authorities have chosen a certain number of walls on which creating with color sprays is not only allowed, but even desirable.

Art is a part of Viennese life.
Art is a part of Viennese life.

Mobile phone
The beautiful blue Danube (which, by the way, is anything but blue) is quite far from the city center, and although they try to integrate it into the everyday life of the people of Vienna with a wide range of entertainment, sports infrastructure and musical events, for most it is a real river in the city Danube Canal, which represents one of the borders of the Innerstadt, or the oldest city center. In recent years, the Danube River Canal has also become an important transport route. The hit of the last five years is the Twin City Liner - a fast catamaran that covers the distance between two major cities in 75 minutes; It connects Vienna with the Slovak capital Bratislava. As the popularity of the easy and fast connection between the two cities is increasing (they have already transported more than half a million passengers), passengers have as many as five departures per day. A new passenger boarding station was also opened at Schwedenplatz this year, ensuring a smooth flow for 200,000 passengers a year. Architects Fasch & fuchs and interior design firm BEHF envisioned the station not just as a boring waiting room, but as a social center with cafes, restaurants and shops.

Fashionable and delicious
Wine and design are two topics and objects of eternal interest for the people of Vienna. This fall will not be an exception either! Vienna has around 700 hectares of vineyards within its city limits and is the only capital city with an important wine tradition and industry. The Austrian capital mainly produces white wines, but red wines also thrive in some sunny locations. Certainly, most artistic souls, including Slovenians, for whom Vienna is an inspiring environment, do not need (only) wine for their inspiration, but one thing is certain: from the unique production of footwear, hats or dirndls (typical Austrian women's clothing), to hand-painted porcelain and carved furniture – Viennese design knows no boundaries. In October and November, lovers of rhubarb drops and bold design ideas will be very satisfied. Between October 15 and 17, art lovers will be at the sales exhibition Blickfang could spend on new designer, jewelry and fashion creations. At the end of October, we will be able to try the best Austrian wines in various locations, as a festival dedicated to young Viennese wine will be held in the city. November offers a special treat: Vienna Art Week, between November 15 and 21, and MQ Vienna Fashion Week.

The best entertainment, especially at the weekend, is certainly in the clubs and bars in the most central part of the city, in the labyrinth of streets between St. Stephen's Cathedral and the Danube River Canal. Not only the complex and interwoven alleys and the huge number of tequila and vodka bars, wine bars, pubs or whatever you want to call bars that pour out huge amounts of alcohol every night, but also the abundance of testimonies confirm that the name Bermuda Triangle, which the area got, is not entirely self-evident. During the revelry, a huge number of people got lost in the Bermuda Triangle and found their home, hotel, friends or partners only a day or more later. And how to experience the charm or "curse" of the Bermuda Triangle firsthand? The march should start in the alleys behind St. Rupert's Church, and from now on our directions will no longer be important...

Info Box


– Donauturm tower: www.donauturm.at

– Bungee jumping from the Danube Tower: www.jochen-schweizer.at

– Flight stimulator: www.fly737.com

– Haus des Meeres: www.haus-des-meeres.at

– Pathological and anatomical museum Narrenturm: www.narrenturm.at

– Torture Museum: www.folter.at

– Museum of Contraception and Abortion: www.muvs.at

– Crime Museum: www.kriminalmuseum.at

– Thematically guided tours of the city: www.wienguide.at

– KÖR organization: www.koer.or.at

– Graffiti Artists Project: www.wienerwand.at

– Twin City Liner: www.twincityliner.com

– Blickfang sales exhibition: www.blickfang.com/wien

– Vienna Days of Young Wine: www.wienerwein.at

– Vienna Art Week: www.viennaartweek.at

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