
Vintage Weekend swap party

This year's Vintage Weekend event will be a little different than usual; there will be a swap party - an exchange of clothes. Each of us has a few pieces in our closet that are beautiful, but unfortunately we never wear them. The exchange is such a perfect opportunity to exchange these pieces for new ones, ones that will refresh you...

Important information
vinoteka&cafe Maximal, at Breg 2, , Ljubljana
Facebook event
Entrance fee
12 euros.

This year's Vintage Weekend event will be a little different than usual; there will be a swap party - an exchange of clothes. Each of us has a few pieces in our closet that are beautiful, but unfortunately we never wear them. The exchange is the perfect opportunity to exchange these pieces for new ones that will refresh your summer wardrobe.

Drinks, snacks, a pleasant atmosphere and a good selection of clothes will be provided at the Swap party. We kindly ask you to bring beautiful and well-preserved pieces of clothing to the exchange - the kind you would like to receive in exchange.

Due to the limited number of participants (40), please confirm your participation at vintagevikend@gmail.com
The location of the Swap party is the wine bar & cafe Maximal on Breg 2, the entrance fee for the event is €12.

At the end of the event, you can take the unexchanged clothes with you or Vintage Weekend will donate them to charity.

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