
Vipava harvest

On the second weekend in September, we can take time for the Vipava tambourines and Boris Kobal's monocomedy, which are the main highlights of the Friday evening. On Saturday, there will be a bicycle and soccer match and a measurement in street basketball. In the evening, the program will be shaped by a DJ and music by local bands. On the last day, Vipava will get a new wine...

Important information
Glavni trg, , Vipava
Facebook event
Entrance fee

Drugi vikend v septembru si lahko vzamemo čas za Vipavske tamburaše in monokomedijo Borisa Kobala, kar sta glavni iztočnici petkovega večera. V soboto bodo kolesarska in nogometna tekma ter merjenje v ulični košarki. Zvečer bosta program krojila DJ ter glasba lokalnih bendov. Zadnji dan bo Vipava dobila novo vinsko kraljico, v naslednji dan pa nas bodo popeljali različni ansambli, tudi ansambel Lojzeta Slaka.

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