
Samsung Gear VR virtual glasses on sale soon - enjoy the last year of reality

Samsung Gear VR device

Judging by the number of participants at this year's Oculus Connect VR 2 virtual reality conference, we are moving into virtual reality in 2016. Reality is really too cruel sometimes! Samsung also brought its virtual reality player to the conference, presenting the latest version of the Samsung Gear VR glasses, which are now compatible with more smartphones, including the still warm Galaxy S6 edge+, S6 and S6 edge. The prototype you are looking at is the final version and will be available to customers later this year. Across the pond in November, and shortly after that it will also splash in our vicinity.

Device Samsung Gear VR (the first version was published in 2014) boast with a Super AMOLED screen, which creates an immersive virtual reality experience that, according to Samsung CEO and Head of IT & Mobile, JK Shin, the next level of computing. In the creation of virtual glasses, the Koreans connected with the company Oculus, the pioneers of virtual reality, with which they set the standard for mobile VR.

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Samsung will now offer its Gear VR, which has been leaking since 2014, to the general public.
Samsung will now offer its Gear VR, which has been leaking since 2014, to the general public.

310 grams Samsung Gear VR with a 96-degree field of view has a built-in cushioning with foam and is consequently even more comfortable to wear. It is 22 percent lighter from its predecessor, the Gear VR Innovator, and it also underwent an upgrade touch pad, which translates to better control and management during gaming and watching footage with a 360-degree view. According to Brendan Iriba, president of Oculus, virtual reality has still a lot of untapped potential, which will certainly be used in the near future. For the Gear VR, you'll have to pay a conversion fee in the US 89 euros, and elsewhere the price remains unknown. However, you will also need to own the glasses to use them one of Samsung's latest smartphones, be it the Galaxy S6, S6 Edge+, S6 Edge or Galaxy Note 5, otherwise you'll be stuck in reality with them. This one is so "out".

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