
Virtual sunrise in foggy Beijing

Beijing was recently hit by the season's first wave of extremely polluted air, shrouding the city in fog. The Chinese found themselves and watched the sunrise in their own way.

Residents of Beijing suffer from a severe lack of natural light on a daily basis, and in the past few days the first seasonal blow of extreme pollution has made the situation even worse. The authorities advised them not to leave their homes, as the levels of substances in the air exceeded the "safe" level by as much as twenty-six times.

They declared a yellow alarm, in practice this means suffering from the smell of the air and the fog in which the roofs of the buildings were wrapped. However, they found something optimistic in this bleak scenario - on the futuristic screens around the city, which are usually dedicated to broadcasting tourist content, they began to observe (and photograph!) the sunrise that was happening somewhere above them. The colors of the sunrise in the square of the foggy city seem almost more intense than in reality.

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