
Vita Mavrič

Vita Mavrič, chanson singer, interpreter and actress, has been telling us stories with the help of music for two decades. Stories full of bitterness and joy, beauty and hardships of life. On her musical journey, she collaborated with legends of Slovenian music. So she combined her creative powers with Boruto in various projects...

Important information
Celjski dom, Krekov trg 3, Celje
Facebook event
Entrance fee
15 euros.

Vita Mavrič, chanson singer, interpreter and actress, has been telling us stories with the help of music for two decades. Stories full of bitterness and joy, beauty and hardships of life. On her musical journey, she collaborated with legends of Slovenian music. Thus, she combined her creative powers in various projects with Borut Lesjak, Urban Kodro, Mojmir Sepet and other renowned music creators. In one of her projects, she started researching kletzmer music or chansons of Jewish music. She has a project in preparation, which she has given the title Letters that you did not write to me. Thus, Vita will describe a love story through the musical works of Astor Piazzolla. It will take us all the way from the brothel with prostitutes to the polished salons of Parisian high society. But we'll have to wait a little longer for the premiere. A very special evening awaits us in Celje, as it will bring together the best fruits of its fruitful and almost two decades-long creation. We are expecting an evening of chanson, cabaret, theater and retrospective. It will take us on a journey full of nostalgia and, above all, great music and an even better interpretation.


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