
Vitranc Cup 2020: Kranjska Gora will shine in the colors of the Slovenian flag

The Vitranc Cup 2020 is coming on March 14 and 15, when the best skiers in the world will go down one of the most challenging World Cup tracks in the fight for the best ranking!

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Obedient, Kranjska Gora
Facebook event
Entrance fee
from €10.00

Kranjska Gora will once again shine in the colors of the Slovenian flag. Vitranc Cup 2020, 59th in line, will offer the right one skiing spectacle on the Vitra slope and exciting matches for the World Cup in Alpine skiing. At the two-day event, skiers will compete in two technical disciplines, on Saturday, March 14 in the giant slalom and on Sunday, March 15 in the slalom.

The Vitranc Cup 2020 will take place between March 14 and 15.
The Vitranc Cup 2020 will take place between March 14 and 15.

The Podkorenska course is known for its steepness, hanging terrain, some impenetrable switchbacks and a spectacular finishing steepness, and it is also one of the most difficult courses for technical disciplines in the Alpine Skiing World Cup. Competitors like to return to Kranjska Gora, as they compete in a phenomenal atmosphere and chase the highest rankings on superbly prepared tracks.

The program of the Vitranc Cup is richer and more varied every year. After last year's record number of visitors, events in Podkoren will reach their peak in 2020. An exciting sports atmosphere, exceptional performances on the Vitra hill and a rich accompanying program will break all records in Kranjska Gora again this year.

Events in Podkoren will reach their peak in 2020!
Events in Podkoren will reach their peak in 2020!

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