
Volkswagen ID Roomzz: Volkswagen's concept electric SUV

Volkswagen ID Roomzz

Volkswagen's family of electric cars will expand rapidly based on the concepts presented. The Volkswagen ID Roomzz is a larger SUV that represents two of the fastest growing segments in the automotive industry - electric cars and SUVs.

It is currently represented by China the biggest market for electrical cars in the world. So it's no wonder that Volkswagen decided that the motor show in Shanghai, the best opportunity for the presentation of a new electrical concept in the family. Volkswagen ID Roomzz it is electric SUV, with smart technology and with organic drive. As a special feature, he can point out the three rows of seating, because the interior is designed in a sense open space, the seats can be removed, and the ID Roomzz thus changes to the office, or 'room' intended for rest or socializing. In front of the driver is a digital glass surface with gauges and steering wheel, combined with autonomous with the ID Pilot system, the concept can be driven alone, without an active driver.

Volkswagen ID Roomzz has four-wheel drive 4MOTION, which is a little different, because two of electric motors, which are installed on each axis. The total system power is 302 horsepower, and the SUV, despite its weight, only needs 6.6 seconds, to accelerate from 0 to 100 km/h. The maximum speed that the concept will be able to reach is 180 km/h. Battery with capacity 82 kWh has enough energy to 450 kilometers a long way. Production versions of most ID-coded concepts can be expected in 2020.

Gallery: Volkswagen ID Roomzz

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