
Volkswagen up! GTI, a tribute to the first Golf GTI

Volkswagen up! GTI

It was 1976 and the world met the first so-called "hot hatch", the Golf GTI. Everything that followed after that is history, of course, but the fact remains that in those four decades, cars have grown and traveled a long way towards progress. And so the day has come for the grandfather of the Golf GTI to meet his just-born and several-times great-grandson named Volkswagen up! GTI.

The little one drives liter TSI unit with 85 kW (115 HP) of power. The latter doesn't sound like much, but considering that it does up! only 997 kilograms, this opinion of ours changes quite quickly. Compared to the grandson, the grandfather has 5 horsepower less and is for 187 kilograms lighter.

Despite this difference, the senior is already well aware of his age, because he has hope! GTI for 15 km/h higher top speed (197 km/h), it is safer, but also because of the short wheelbase more fun. The first tests showed that the grandfather passed on his many years of experience perfectly to his offspring, and for up! such a pedigree will open wide the door to the world of GTIs. The little one is currently still in the "maternity room" in the middle Wolfsburg and is expected to join the family early next year.

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