
Volt: a drone that will charge your electric car

When we talk about the disadvantages of electric cars, we usually highlight the shorter distance they can travel compared to gasoline and diesel cars. The number of charging stations is also relatively small, so we cannot go on long trips with electric vehicles. Here's the Volt, a drone that will charge your electric car.

It appears that we have found a solution to this problem. Korean designer And Yeop Baek he came up with something special drone volt, which will be used to charge electric cars.

We will be able to summon Baek's drones to us and pay for their use via smartphone apps. The user will have to enter into the application, which will recognize his location information about your vehicle. This way, the drone will know which type of battery it needs to charge. Quadcopters will be available mainly on remote areas, where there are no other charging options.

The drone has a stable structure. It is equipped with two cameras, one at the front and one at the back. 4 landing legs are located below each propellers, which enables a safe landing. The device will detect obstacles on the way and avoid them accordingly. Battery charging gun it is hidden in the drone's housing. When the drone reaches the user, it will open the hatch and charging can begin.

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