
Walmart: America's largest retailer employs robots

American retail chain Walmart employs robots.

Not long ago, we wondered what it would be like when robots started doing the most common jobs. Robotization has always had a slightly negative connotation in our conversations, as most people still fear it. Well, the fear may be unnecessary, as this concrete example also shows.

American retail chain Walmart will employ autonomous scanning robots in 50 of its stores across the United States. Their task will be to collect information about the products that they supplies are running low, price checking and so on.

Robots that their height is 61 centimeters, they are equipped with several cameras and a tower, with which they will be also reached higher shelves. Employees will then review this information and act accordingly. Walmart claims they are of this type robots three times faster than humans and also much more accurate. The presence of robots, they say, will allow employees to focus on more demanding and important work.

Consequently, it should also the customer's shopping experience improved, as products that are 'currently out of stock' will simply no longer be available. So the example shows how all parties involved gain more than not, right? Therefore, if companies will introduce robotization gradually and deliberately, people need not be too afraid.

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